Ok, so we have a bit of background from 2007, there is mention of this amazing idea called a Masterplan to regenerate Old Trafford, a long forgotten place in the memory of Trafford Council:
Trafford Housing Trust took over the 9,000+ properties in Trafford 5 years ago and many homes didn't meet the government's decent homes standard.
In June 2008 "URBED were commissioned by Trafford Housing Trust, Trafford Council and Old Trafford Neighbourhood Management Board to prepare a masterplan for Old Trafford. The study area incorporates a significant proportion of Old Trafford covering a variety of estates - ranging from Victorian terraces to 1970's tower blocks and Radburn style layouts and 1980/90's semi detached. This ran alongside plans by Trafford Housing Trust to bring all housing stock to a decent standard by 2010. "
THT applied for a waiver which meant more time in which to get the non-decent homes up to the decent standard, the waiver meant that THT had until 2013 to complete the works.
URBED set out:
"To give everyone the opportunity to shape the strategy, we invited key stakeholders to a Roundtable workshop in June. Local people together with Trafford Council, housing organisations, children and youth services, businesses and employment services, health care, leisure, police, highways, environment services, and 130 people attended to develop a vision and put forward ideas for the future improvements of the area."
Workshops were held where;"Local residents from each area where involved in community design sessions and produced models in plasticine to show how their neighbourhood could be improved. Residents also went on a bus tour of Salford and Manchester to see how other communities have brought about positive changes to their area through regeneration."
It was at this time that we were led to believe that we would have the opportunity to move into one of the new build properties, we were also told that we could even be involved in designing them. Now, this is where the dispute starts. THT have done a huge U-turn on the matter and are being far from transparent in their dealings about it. They have even had the audacity to suggest that we can't understand simple sentences.
Well, let's see how you get on, here is a letter dated September 2008 that states:
"(if your property is to be demolished) “...tenants will have the right to be re-housed in an equivalent property in the Old Trafford area, or in one of the new properties planned as part of the redevelopment. In the case of the new property we will move you temporarily to an equivalent property while the development is happening and you will have the opportunity to get involved in the design of the new home.”
So..... hands up all those that think the letter states quite clearly that we have an option to return to the new builds....... come on, leave a comment, THT don't believe us that that is what most of you think. I look forward to hearing from you.
Monday, 7 February 2011
"My Beautiful Laundrette" & meeting rooms; ideas from 4 years ago
Subject: Osprey Laundry Room.
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:51:45 +0100
From: ***********@traffordhousingtrust.co.uk
To: me
CC: and them
Please find attached the photos of Osprey Court Laundry. I’m going to pop over and take some more at some stage as I don’t think these quite capture the size of the room.
I have got to put together a list for the Trust’s Health and Safety Officer of the basics I intend to have in this room. This will then be discussed at the Accommodation Strategy Meeting (ASM) and it is then that I will find out whether I can definitely go ahead with the idea.
If for some reason the idea is disapproved, I will then have to try and look at an alternative.
If you can email me your thoughts on what you would like the room to contain and what you hope it will be used for I would be really grateful.
I am off week commencing 24th September 2007, I will be back in work on 1st October 2007.
I will make a start on the list for the (ASM) but I will wait for your comments before sending it off.
I am currently working on a flyer to post out to all residents on the Tamworth Estate to inform them that we are hoping to set up a resident’s group.
Again, any suggestions you have would be really appreciated.
If I do not get much of a response from the flyer, I think it would be worthwhile carrying out a door knocking exercise to all residents to explain all about the resident’s group we are hoping to set up, but for now we will just wait and see the effect the flyer has.
Well that’s all for now.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:51:45 +0100
From: ***********@traffordhousingtrust.co.uk
To: me
CC: and them
Please find attached the photos of Osprey Court Laundry. I’m going to pop over and take some more at some stage as I don’t think these quite capture the size of the room.
I have got to put together a list for the Trust’s Health and Safety Officer of the basics I intend to have in this room. This will then be discussed at the Accommodation Strategy Meeting (ASM) and it is then that I will find out whether I can definitely go ahead with the idea.
If for some reason the idea is disapproved, I will then have to try and look at an alternative.
If you can email me your thoughts on what you would like the room to contain and what you hope it will be used for I would be really grateful.
I am off week commencing 24th September 2007, I will be back in work on 1st October 2007.
I will make a start on the list for the (ASM) but I will wait for your comments before sending it off.
I am currently working on a flyer to post out to all residents on the Tamworth Estate to inform them that we are hoping to set up a resident’s group.
Again, any suggestions you have would be really appreciated.
If I do not get much of a response from the flyer, I think it would be worthwhile carrying out a door knocking exercise to all residents to explain all about the resident’s group we are hoping to set up, but for now we will just wait and see the effect the flyer has.
Well that’s all for now.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
2007..... has it really been that long?
Subject: Residents Group.
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:59:19 +0000
Hope you are well. I just wanted to contact you to let you know I have not forgotten about setting up the residents group and making plans for the room. Unfortunately, the room we had planned to use seems to suffering from an intermittent leak. (I think you saw the problem when we visited last). This is making the room quite unpleasant and at the moment until it is completely resolved I do not want to risk setting up in there. I have been hanging on in the hope that we could sort it out, but it is starting to look like a non-starter at the moment. Please bear with me though as I am currently working on an alternative, it may take longer than anticipated though.
However, in the meantime I still want to work on setting up a group for the Tamworth Estate. I have just sent my newsletters to be printed and I have mentioned in there about the residents group. I’m hoping I will get a good response, but if I don’t I would like to get together with you and any other residents who would like to get involved and do some door knocking to try and get people involved. When I last spoke to you, you said this would be something you would like to do. Please let me know if you are still interested? If you are busy, I understand and I will carry it out myself but I will keep you informed.
On another note at my last walkabout I know you had a lot of really positive ideas for the area. I explained that you could submit them to the 2007 / 2008 Community Budget. It is now time to submit ideas. Would you like me to send you some application forms so you can put forward your ideas?
Please let me know.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:59:19 +0000
Hope you are well. I just wanted to contact you to let you know I have not forgotten about setting up the residents group and making plans for the room. Unfortunately, the room we had planned to use seems to suffering from an intermittent leak. (I think you saw the problem when we visited last). This is making the room quite unpleasant and at the moment until it is completely resolved I do not want to risk setting up in there. I have been hanging on in the hope that we could sort it out, but it is starting to look like a non-starter at the moment. Please bear with me though as I am currently working on an alternative, it may take longer than anticipated though.
However, in the meantime I still want to work on setting up a group for the Tamworth Estate. I have just sent my newsletters to be printed and I have mentioned in there about the residents group. I’m hoping I will get a good response, but if I don’t I would like to get together with you and any other residents who would like to get involved and do some door knocking to try and get people involved. When I last spoke to you, you said this would be something you would like to do. Please let me know if you are still interested? If you are busy, I understand and I will carry it out myself but I will keep you informed.
On another note at my last walkabout I know you had a lot of really positive ideas for the area. I explained that you could submit them to the 2007 / 2008 Community Budget. It is now time to submit ideas. Would you like me to send you some application forms so you can put forward your ideas?
Please let me know.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Neighbourly concerns and a fabulous Housing Officer
Sent: 05 April 2008 14:25
Subject: Meeting up and ***** at no **
Hi, sorry for the long delay in replying. I'd love to discuss the meeting room and the community budget applications with you sometime. I am free on Tues 8th from 2pm all day on Wed, all day Mon 14th if any of those dates are good for you?
I also need to let you know that it seems that my neighbour is having another episode, he has been shouting at non-existent people through his door and crashing what sounds like plates around. Could you please pass this on to his Social Worker and maybe they can help him to deal with his situation before it escalates again.
Many thanks
Sent: 05 April 2008 14:25
Subject: Meeting up and ***** at no **
Hi, sorry for the long delay in replying. I'd love to discuss the meeting room and the community budget applications with you sometime. I am free on Tues 8th from 2pm all day on Wed, all day Mon 14th if any of those dates are good for you?
I also need to let you know that it seems that my neighbour is having another episode, he has been shouting at non-existent people through his door and crashing what sounds like plates around. Could you please pass this on to his Social Worker and maybe they can help him to deal with his situation before it escalates again.
Many thanks
An exciting opportunity, I thought it was great.
Subject: Old Trafford Masterplan
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:11:16 +0100
From: ***********@traffordhousingtrust.co.uk
Hope you are well. I just wanted to let you know about a meeting that is taking place on Monday 30th June 2008 6.30pm – 9.00pm at St Brides Church, Shrewsbury Street.
The meeting is about Old Trafford and will be addressing things such as; What is the future for Old Trafford? How can it be better linked to the surrounding areas? How can the housing be improved? How can the public spaces be made more attractive and safer?
The questions are going to be addressed through a Masterplan being prepared by URBED, an urban design practice based in Manchester. The study has been commissioned by the Trafford Housing Trust, Trafford Council and Old Trafford Neighbourhood Management Board to prepare a plan for improving the Old Trafford area. However, the real client for the work will be the local communities in Old Trafford.
I know you feel really strongly about the area you live and I know how keen you are for improvement on the Tamworth Estate so I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to get involved and help shape the future of Old Trafford.
After the initial meeting there will be a series of public design sessions on the 8th, 9th and 10th July followed by a Red Bus Tour on 13th July taking people to visit good examples of housing schemes in Manchester and another series of sessions on 15th, 16th and 17th July.
Please can you let me know if you would like to attend as I need to pass numbers on?
I am on leave from Friday until 7th July 2008 so if you receive this email after Thursday please email **************@traffordhousingtrust.co.uk to confirm whether you would like to attend.
I will be inviting a couple of other residents off the Tamworth Estate so if you go you hopefully you won’t be the only one.
Speak soon,
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:11:16 +0100
From: ***********@traffordhousingtrust.co.uk
Hope you are well. I just wanted to let you know about a meeting that is taking place on Monday 30th June 2008 6.30pm – 9.00pm at St Brides Church, Shrewsbury Street.
The meeting is about Old Trafford and will be addressing things such as; What is the future for Old Trafford? How can it be better linked to the surrounding areas? How can the housing be improved? How can the public spaces be made more attractive and safer?
The questions are going to be addressed through a Masterplan being prepared by URBED, an urban design practice based in Manchester. The study has been commissioned by the Trafford Housing Trust, Trafford Council and Old Trafford Neighbourhood Management Board to prepare a plan for improving the Old Trafford area. However, the real client for the work will be the local communities in Old Trafford.
I know you feel really strongly about the area you live and I know how keen you are for improvement on the Tamworth Estate so I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to get involved and help shape the future of Old Trafford.
After the initial meeting there will be a series of public design sessions on the 8th, 9th and 10th July followed by a Red Bus Tour on 13th July taking people to visit good examples of housing schemes in Manchester and another series of sessions on 15th, 16th and 17th July.
Please can you let me know if you would like to attend as I need to pass numbers on?
I am on leave from Friday until 7th July 2008 so if you receive this email after Thursday please email **************@traffordhousingtrust.co.uk to confirm whether you would like to attend.
I will be inviting a couple of other residents off the Tamworth Estate so if you go you hopefully you won’t be the only one.
Speak soon,
JULY 2008 (recapping/bit of background)
Sent: 04 July 2008 15:34
Subject: Design workshop/ vision for old trafford
Hi, my name is Jo and I am a tenant on the Tamworth Estate in Old Trafford. I have been trying to get local people involved in shaping their futures here and asking what matters to them. I have worked quite closely with Charlotte Woodward from Trafford Housing Trust. I submitted 5 applications for a Community Grant but unfortunatley none were approved this time around.
I am a keen environmentalist with a particular passion for grass roots projects that reflect the needs of the local community, for capacity building with locals and for improving the quality of life for all, a major concern at this time is fuel poverty. I would love an opportunity to discuss some of these issues with you. I had hoped to attend the meeting on Mon 30th at St. Brides Church, however a minor medical emergency arose and I was unable to get there. I am working on the 9th July until 9pm, what time is the design meeting taking place. I am desperate to get involved.
Please advise me as to how I can best acheive this.
I look forward to meeting you and to finding out what Urbed are all about.
I have encosed the following information for your perusal, energy efficiency has become a hobby.
www.genasyspowersystems.co.uk June - August 2005 - Bradford West City Community Housing Trust - Five vertical axis grid connected wind turbines are currently being installed in Bradford on top of five thirteen storey residential tower blocks in Bradford. The Carbon Trust funded project aims to demonstrate the technical viability of installing and operating wind turbines on high-rise buildings.
Bradford West City Community Housing Trust (BWCCHT) manages a large portfolio of tower blocks in Bradford in three varieties - 'Y' blocks, 'H' blocks, and Court blocks - all due for refurbishment. Sustainable energy is high on the Trust's agenda and prominent roof-mounted wind turbines will make a strong visual statement of the comprehensive energy upgrade undertaken.
Sent: 04 July 2008 15:34
Subject: Design workshop/ vision for old trafford
Hi, my name is Jo and I am a tenant on the Tamworth Estate in Old Trafford. I have been trying to get local people involved in shaping their futures here and asking what matters to them. I have worked quite closely with Charlotte Woodward from Trafford Housing Trust. I submitted 5 applications for a Community Grant but unfortunatley none were approved this time around.
I am a keen environmentalist with a particular passion for grass roots projects that reflect the needs of the local community, for capacity building with locals and for improving the quality of life for all, a major concern at this time is fuel poverty. I would love an opportunity to discuss some of these issues with you. I had hoped to attend the meeting on Mon 30th at St. Brides Church, however a minor medical emergency arose and I was unable to get there. I am working on the 9th July until 9pm, what time is the design meeting taking place. I am desperate to get involved.
Please advise me as to how I can best acheive this.
I look forward to meeting you and to finding out what Urbed are all about.
I have encosed the following information for your perusal, energy efficiency has become a hobby.
www.genasyspowersystems.co.uk June - August 2005 - Bradford West City Community Housing Trust - Five vertical axis grid connected wind turbines are currently being installed in Bradford on top of five thirteen storey residential tower blocks in Bradford. The Carbon Trust funded project aims to demonstrate the technical viability of installing and operating wind turbines on high-rise buildings.
Bradford West City Community Housing Trust (BWCCHT) manages a large portfolio of tower blocks in Bradford in three varieties - 'Y' blocks, 'H' blocks, and Court blocks - all due for refurbishment. Sustainable energy is high on the Trust's agenda and prominent roof-mounted wind turbines will make a strong visual statement of the comprehensive energy upgrade undertaken.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Talking Towers Awakens
Hello, Talking Towers a la VOX is no longer, VOX closed down last year and sadly a lot of Talking Towers' blurb went along with it.
So, looking forward 2011, what does that mean for tenants and residents in Old Trafford? By the way there will be some looking back in order to fill in some essential information gaps but I guess we'll be going from late 2007 and bringing you right up to date.
So, looking forward 2011, what does that mean for tenants and residents in Old Trafford? By the way there will be some looking back in order to fill in some essential information gaps but I guess we'll be going from late 2007 and bringing you right up to date.
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